Monday, February 15, 2010

Disney Birthday

There is nothing like having a birthday at Disney.  I spent my 30th birthday at Disney this past October and had a lot of fun.  It was also the first time my Husband and I had done Disney World together with out our kids.  I will touch on that aspect another day.  You will feel so extra special when you walk around the Disney parks and hear birthday wishes all day long.  Cupcakes, candles and singing at your dinners.

 I really enjoyed this trip, but did not realize I could go on a more exciting birthday trip to Disney until we took my youngest daughter who was turning 4 on a Disney Birthday trip.  She loved it!  She kept thanking us over and over for bring her to have a family birthday at Disney World (which is one of her very favorite places).  She loved wearing her birthday pin with her name on it and hearing everyone wish her happy birthday she was always surprised when they would say her name- it was so cute.

  We decided not to go on her actual birthday we took her the weekend before- we wanted the cheaper prices and less crowds.  Her birthday is on Valentines day which is Presidents Day weekend (one of the worse weekends to go to WDW- they say almost as bad as Christmas and New Years Day)  When making our dining reservations I treated the weekend as if the Sunday we were there was her birthday and booked a Princess Breakfast and dinner at Chef Mickey's (this would be my number one tip if planning a birthday at Disney especially for kids book Character meals for their birthday)  At the breakfast Mackenzie received a birthday card signed by all the princesses.  Then that night at dinner Mickey came out and helped "sing" a birthday song and was right there next to her after she blew out her candle.  Such a magical birthday experience.

I definitely recommend having a Disney birthday sometime!

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